About Us

Welcome to our new Alpacas of Instagram store!
Here's a little about us:
Alpacas of Instagram was started in 2012 by two co-founders. Both worked on an alpaca farm together in North Carolina and fell in love with these sweet animals. Any alpaca farmer knows that working with these fellas can be tricky at times, but also very rewarding. Because we loved what we did so much, we created an Instagram: @alpacasofinstagram to share our love with the world.
We started by posting photos of the alpacas on the farm we worked at, but quickly shifted to posting photos and videos of alpacas from all over the world as our following grew. We started using a hashtag (#alpacasofinstagram) to connect with more alpaca lovers and their posts, which we still use to find the best alpaca posts on Instagram! You can send us your photos to be featured (:
Your support and loyalty has been so amazing and now our goal is to bring alpacas to you! We decided to build a little online shop where alpaca owners, enthusiasts, and anyone else can come and find clothes, accessories, and home products that feature our four-legged friends! 
Keep checking back for more updates in the near future!
Lots of love,